video lesson 10/10

Lesson 10

 I'm afraid of being criticised or

rejected by others

Watch the video to discover the limiting belief of

"I'm afraid of being criticised or rejected by others"

Hope these videos are helpful and giving you some lovely ideas to help you on your writing journey. As a thank you, I would love to offer you some free gifts, please click on the link below and enjoy!

    LESSON #1

I'm not good enough to write a book

    LESSON #2

No one will want to read what I have to say

    LESSON #3

I don't have the time to write a book


Writing a book is too difficult

    LESSON #5

I don't know enough about writing to write a book

    LESSON #6

I don't have a good enough idea for a book

    LESSON #7

I don't have the discipline to write a book


I'm too old/young to write a book

     LESSON #9

Writing a book won't make me any money

       LESSON #10

I'm afraid of being criticised or rejected by others

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